Chinese as Second Language
The Chinese as Second Language (CSL) program (also referred to as Chinese Bilingual, or Chinese as a Foreign Language program) is designed for students whose main language at home is not Mandarin. Classes are conducted in both English and Chinese and use pinyin as the phonetic aid for the beginning levels.The goal is to make the classes fun and interactive so that the students will stay engaged.
We use a spiral learning approach whereby previously learned materials is revisited frequently and integrated with the new material (the key to learning a second language)
At the end of each level, the student should be able to understand and respond to simple questions in Chinese and have some basic exposure to recognizing and/or writing (Traditional Chinese) characters
The curriculum is built around an expanding scope (by level) of daily and real life experiences.
The focus shifts from listening and speaking to reading, writing & composition in the advanced levels.
Level 1
The students will be exposed to Chinese songs, rhymes, and conversations, recognition and writing of new Chinese characters related to their daily life experiences e.g. name, age, family and, friends, greeting, nature, number, simple sentences, animals and direction.
By the end of the class, the students should be able to:
Understand basic verbal classroom commands and routines.
Listen to and understand basic words, and phrases (e.g. Thank you)
Respond to simple questions (e.g. How are you?)
Recognize simple, single characters (e.g. day, moon, up, down)
Level 2
Our goal is to build student confidence in using the Chinese language while further expanding on next level, which include, but are not limited to greetings, weather, body parts, clothing, color, animals, direction/location, nature, around the house, transportation, action words, food...
By the end of the year, all students should be able to:
Recognize 50+ new Chinese characters (Traditional Chinese)
Hear the patterns of the Chinese spoken language
Understand and follow basic verbal classroom commands
Say the current date and weather conditions
Conduct every day greetings with teachers, parents volunteers, and peers
Interchange new and old vocabulary to compose various sentences using given sentence structures and idea
Describe the everyday clothing they are wearing & general direction/location of objects
Read basic/simple excerpts with general fluency
Provide simple & basic description of a given picture. (How many people? What color are their clothes? What are they doing? What objects are there? What are their general locations? Etc)
Level 3
The students will learn how to listen, speak, read, and write most of the 50+ vocabulary learned in CSL1, with the addition of 80+ more vocabulary from this class. They will revisit the CSL1 vocabulary words, and they will also learn new ones that may include the following topics or themes: greetings, food, clothing, seasons, direction/location, family members, school, body parts, daily routines, transportation and action words. While working under these themes, a textbook will be used for this class.
By the end of the year, all students will be able to:
Understand conversations dealing with the topics/themes taught, and know simple reading or narration. They will also be able to say the current date and weather.
Know and use the 5WH questions.
Use previously learned vocabulary and use them in sentences or question form. They will also know how to answer questions in complete sentences.
Hold a short conversation while introducing oneself.
Read simple sentences using Pinyin or context clues.
Recognize both new and previously taught vocabulary words and use the correctly in a sentence form.
Know the correct stroke order of previously learned Chinese characters, and able to write new words correctly via the guessing of radicals.
Level 4
The students will learn how to listen, read, speak, and write about the following subjects: greetings, food including vegetables and fruit, basic clothing for different seasons, community, direction/location, school and family activities/hobbies.
By the end of the year, all students will be able to:
Understand conversations dealing with weather, simple narrations, and the 5 WH questions.
Hold simple conversations, use previously learned words, create vocabulary and sentence structures to respond to simple questions, express oneself, and respond to questions dealing with the location ofpeople, items, events, and so forth.
Read simple sentences without assistance, read unknown words with the help of a teacher and pinyin, and read sentences with emotion.
Know the stroke order of previously learned characters, guess the radical of unfamiliar characters, and write cards.